This item has free shipping
Condition: New
Note: If you will NOT be picking up at our store - Our site is not set up to charge shipping for these. Please contact us at 918-664-6342 x310 to authorize additional $75 for shipping. Please provide the 1st 12 digits of the credit card used.Other brands of mats are considered disposable because you are lucky if they last 1 or 2 seasons. iFloats are made to last for many, many years because they are designed to be rip and tear resistant and can even be pulled with riders with our optional iSki attachment! Other mats will just tear.
Note: if item is New without a Grade specified it is Grade A, Grade B will have 1 to 3 minor scuffs or 1 significant imperfection, Grade C will have 4 to 6 minor scuffs or 2 significant imperfections, Grade D will have 7 or more minor scuffs and/or 3 or more significant imperfections. All will still be very usable and should last for years with proper care. Minor cuts in the foam can be easily repaired with superglue.
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